Find the shortest delivery route that passes through each customer address. Optimize routes not only for distance but also for time.
Time windows
Deliver on time and keep promises to customers.
Sometimes it takes 5 minutes to make a delivery, sometimes 45. Getting the duration right helps keep time slot promises and reduces idle time.
Prioritize client ratings, content of delivery (e.g. perishable goods), paid vs. free delivery, new vs. existing customers, and more.
Driver skills
Plan more aggressively with experienced drivers while you gradually dispatch more tasks to newbies as they develop their skills.
Driver-to-customer match
Match drivers and customers to build lasting relationships.
Vehicle capacity
Load vehicles at their maximum but never overload. Save on time, and vehicle amortization and prevent potential liabilities from overloading.
Vehicle type
Optimize routes for combustion-engine, hybrid, or electric vehicles. Comply with government regulations, and make sure you won’t run out of fuel or electricity.
Road constraints and traffic
Optimize routes for specific road constraints such as left turns, truck roads, bridges, overpasses, and more. Avoid congested areas to deliver on time.